Spirit Baby Intuitive

Sarah Naia Soleil

New York

December 3, 2023

“The real invitation with spirit baby communication is to not only prepare ourselves to be stewards for other souls who are coming in, but also to help them remember from the beginning who they are and why they’re here. “

What is your offering?
I offer spirit baby communication support for people who are pre-conception through postpartum, or throughout the childbearing years.

What is spirit baby communication?
It is the art and practice of communicating with your unborn child or children. I perceive spirit babies to be ancestors, either spirit souls who have come before and/or those who've yet to come, and who aren’t in a physical body at this time. 

What happens in a session?
Spirit baby communication can be so powerful because it opens the conversation between the many souls involved and brings clarity to that communication. It’s an opportunity to expand the view for people who are navigating the childbearing years in any capacity, and learn how to tend to themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through the process. 

What are the benefits of this practice? 
The real invitation with spirit baby communication is to not only prepare ourselves to be stewards for other souls who are coming in, but also to help them remember from the beginning who they are and why they’re here. I think it's our birthright to connect to what brings us into a sense of knowing who we are, but I find that many of us are struggling with that. We might have success and stability, but that doesn't always equate to a sense of peace. It can be a helpful way for families, individuals, and couples to engage more deeply in listening to these bigger questions. 

What if you don’t plan to have children?
I completely honor anyone who does not feel called to the path of parenthood or raising a family, and yet because we chose to be born, there is likely a reason we are here. If people are drawn to working with me, it is usually because there is something in them that is ready to be reborn. The journey of being reborn in this life is not so different from the journey of birthing a child, it is the same initiation that awaits us all. 

How did you end up in this field? 
Growing up, I felt anything related to the menstrual cycle and fertility was such a mystery to me, Then I found myself pregnant at 20 and very afraid of giving birth. There was a point in my birth when I wanted to give up, so I began to pray from a very deep place and I entered into a hypnotic state. I stopped having physical pain and I started to connect with this sense of unity and oneness that so many people speak of when they have transcendental experiences. In that very expanded state during labor, I was told that I knew birth in my bones. So that was that. My son just turned 17, so I’ve spent the last 17 years making peace with that and continuing the journey 

When did the Spirit Baby work start? 
Eight years after being a birth worker and a doula, I read the book Spirit Babies by Walter Makichen on my way to California to give a talk. When I arrived, they asked what my talk was about, and it was as if an angelic being spoke into the microphone saying that I would teach a spirit baby communication workshop. That night I went to bed and Walter Makichen came to me in my dreams and gave me a complete review of my workshop and how we were going to evolve the conversation. I woke up the next morning and never looked back. Thousands of readings later, I find myself eating, breathing, living, and dreaming of this work. 

What are the ways people can work with you?
I do single 60 minute readings or people can book a series of readings if they want to take a journey. I also offer self-paced online courses. There’s also a monthly membership called the spirit baby society, which is an opportunity to connect with various guided visualizations and where people can share on personal topics. All of that can be found on spiritbabycommunication.com. 

How does this connect to your doula work? 
I opened a doula agency as I wanted to help families from all walks of life have the support of a doula in their birth. I find birth to be the most remarkable ceremony, whether in a hospital setting or outside under a plumeria tree. It is just a stunning portal. For me it's not unusual that I walk into a birth and I will be shown all sorts of information about the mom and the baby. Birth is continually teaching me things and blowing my mind. When I get to put these gifts together, it’s just the tip of the iceberg to be honest, but it's profound.

What role do you think doulas play in society? 
You can’t take the sacred out of birth, which is why I think a doula has the opportunity right now in our world to play a very revolutionary role. We can choose to have a witnessing consciousness during this moment who can help us remember the sacredness of who we are and why we are here. It’s that type of remembering that can bring about an awakened state and a deeper connection to spirit. My desire is to train doulas with this type of awareness. 

What are your own personal practices?
One of my deepest daily practices is self observation, just spending time at the end of the day looking at myself, and reflecting on what worked and what didn’t. Taking inventory and offering forgiveness. There are some physical practices that I involve myself in on a daily basis that really ground and stabilize me. I source a lot of my energy and inspiration from that place of just being empty. 

What is on your bedside table?
I have a candle. I have a journal. I think what I revere most are flowers and candles. 

Books you recommend? 
Spirit Babies by Walter Makichen. I'm also big fan of contemplative poetry and there is a book I love called Inward by Yung Pueblo. It's very beautiful reflections and little pearls of wisdom to take with you into the day. 

Words of wisdom?
You're never where you are for the reason you think you are. Knowing that there's quite possibly, if not completely, another reason why you're in a relationship or chapter in your life, helps us remember that life is and isn’t exactly as it seems - and both are true. 

Photos: @picaflorfims, @sophiabillikopf, @marianaschulze, @baiphoto_