Womb Alchemy

Rebecca Wilson

United Kingdom

February 26, 2023

"As children we believe ourselves to be our mothers for the first few years of our life, yet as soon as we are born this connection is cut and we are severed from the only home we have ever known. Then we live in a world that has this idea of separation parenting, and there is this loss of connection. It’s no wonder that there is a disconnect as well from Mother Earth."

How would you describe the work that you do? 
The word that always comes to me is an energetic midwife. I support women through transitions, which essentially is the birthing process. It could be rebirthing themselves, a part of their life, birthing a business, or actually conceiving children. To me it is all connected to the source of creation, and the birthing of that creation through the temple of the womb. 

Can you explain more what it means to midwife?
The route of the word midwife has been lost in the medical realm, but traditionally midwives helped women in all stages of transition - grief, loss, rites of passage. To midwife is to guide a woman from a place of pain to a place of power. 

How do you do this? 
It sounds far out, but when I am journeying with women I have this ability to connect to other realms, it could be the spirit baby realm or the creation realm. I can strongly feel when things want to come in and I help women refine what it is they want. I have a lot of earth in my chart, so I can really support women on how to birth things into being and ground them here.

When did your journey start? 
Part of my journey began when I came off contraception and had a really hard time with my cycles. I didn’t bleed for almost 2 years and was really struggling emotionally and physically. It was during that time that I became really in tune with inner cycles. 

How did you begin working with the womb? 
When I was 19 my mum passed away and I had this very strong realization that I had lost my home, the place that I had grown in. I found it really hard to find the ground during this time. So I started looking for comfort in places, people, things, addictions, working out, or shopping. I started healing this wound of losing my mother, and realized I was activating more than just that. I was healing my wounds, my mum’s, my nana’s, and the collective! Everything just started coming up from this place with more and more layers being revealed the deeper into the womb I went.

Did everything just click after that? 
No, it wasn’t until later when I was in another difficult time with my family and my sister was sick. I had never really had a relationship with god, but I just remember asking them if they existed, and if they did, to let me do something with my life, or to let me die. A week after that I was in shavasana in a yoga class and I had what I believe was a spontaneous kundalini awakening. I started speaking in other languages and actually thought god was giving me what I asked for! Then I just started following the threads, and before I knew it I was in Bali on a yoga teacher training. 

How did you go from Bali to holding circles? 
I had been doing some small group classes with yoga and sound healing before that trip. When I got back, I was scheduled to do a women’s circle, and when I looked at the bookings online, over 30 women had signed up. The messages were coming in really strong to keep going in this direction and to allow the journey to unfold.

How did your Conscious Conception work begin? 
I had fallen pregnant during this time, but wasn’t with a partner I felt safe with. The spirit of the baby came to me, and I said to them, “if you are here to stay, I will welcome you but if you need to leave it’s ok.” A day and a half later I started bleeding and consciously let the pregnancy go. It opened up such a powerful space in me and allowed me to tune into this realm of spirits babies. I then trained as a birth doula, to help awaken that energy that was living in me, and it was such a powerful remembering. It opened up this journey of supporting women bringing babies into the womb. 

Why is the relationship with the mother sometimes so complicated?
As children we believe ourselves to be our mothers for the first few years of our life, yet as soon as we are born this connection is cut and we are severed from the only home we have ever known. Then we live in a world that has this idea of separation parenting, and there is this loss of connection. It’s no wonder that there is a disconnect as well from Mother Earth. 

What is the invitation to your clients and circles? 
To remember that we are the vessels that birth creation. To remember how powerful we are and to come back to that. To return to the old ways of women, to gather and share in circles in the village we have lost.

What are you personally birthing right now? 
I am in a big transition again, going through my own portal. A lot of the women in my spaces are also holding space, so I have started doing more mentoring, supporting other women in bringing their creations forward through embodied business and leadership. 

What are your edges? 
My edges are in structures and formats. So that is where I am moving into at the moment. I am using a business coach to help bring in more masculine energy as I have been dancing in the feminine realms for so long. 

What is your morning routine? 
When I wake up in the morning I always light a candle, and then maybe some incense, palo santo, or frankincense - something sensory. I have a cup of tea or cacao and watch the sunrise. This gives me the space to let whatever is there arrive. Sometimes there is a strong calling to get work done, or sometimes get on my mat and practice.

Who are your most important teachers?
Uma Dinsmore-Tuli  for womb yoga and I have also studied at the Institute of Feminie Arts. And, of course, my teacher in Bali, Master Ketut.

What words of wisdom have guided you?  
My mum’s voice saying “trust your gut Rebecca, you always know.” 
We get wrapped up in what the world says and what other people say and we forget to trust that feeling inside. 

Are there any other practices you want to share? 
The intention of checking in, just being with yourself for 5 minutes, be fully there and present, You don't need hours and hours because life can be busy. Just be fully there for 5 minutes.

Three books you recommend?
The Path is Everywhere by Matt Litacha
The Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo 
The Radiance Sutras 

Three things that you are grateful for?
1. Sharing my time with people I love 
2. Being out exploring nature 
3. Making food and sharing meal times with friends and family 

Three things you do every day?
1. Sit in stillness and quiet and breathe 
2. Dance move stretch 
3. Spend time outdoors walking