Spiritual Coach

Primavera Salva

New York

March 19, 2023

"We need to be true to ourselves so we can be true to the world. We need to find that place of our authentic self so we can let our gifts flourish for the greatest good of all."

What is your offering? 
I create experiences for people to be able to remember that they have a soul, and that our path is to support this soul in this incarnation, to stay focused on the light and to do good in the world. I use all my experience and my tools, including breathwork and energetic healing, to work with people privately as a spiritual coach. 

How do you help people remember their soul? 
It is hard to see our own gifts, but I can see in you what your gifts are. The only way to see it ourselves is to do consciousness work and to uncover the thoughts that are ruling your life every day. I also use Kabbalist numerology as one tool to help people understand themselves. Once we understand where our shortcomings are, we release ourselves from being the victims of our karma.

But can we change our karma? 
The moment you heal yourself, you heal your family and your future generations because you cut that karmic pattern. You untangle the chain and you allow for the highest expression of your genes. The gift of you coming to do this work and coming to help this planet is that you will have access to the wisdom of all your incarnations. 

Did you always know this was your calling? 
Since I was little I remember thinking why am I here? Why did I come to this lifetime? And my parents would say, you will go to school, you will have a career, get married and have kids, but I always had a desire to understand the depth and meaning of life. 

When did things begin to shift for you? 
I grew up in Mexico, and I went to college in Puebla, just a short drive from the mountains of Oaxaca. It was then that I started to experiment with mushrooms, and in my first journey I began to understand that meaning of life that had always haunted me. After that I moved to New York City, and I had a career in corporate production. I always had my spiritual life on the side but I still had this question around what is my purpose? I started noticing that a lot of the people I respected who had their lives together were doing work with Ayahuasca, but I was scared to try it! Finally I got the courage to do it and it was a beautiful journey. I saw myself as nothing and as part of the emptiness. I realized that my mission is to remind people that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. I know it is cliche but it’s true!

Who are some of your teachers? 
I started to work with the Kundalini teacher, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry in 1993.  His classes were so special because he mixed Kundalini with Kabbalah. He then started Naam Yoga in 2006. Naam Yoga is a combination of many traditions together, to create divine spiritual wisdom. I have also trained with the sound therapist and researcher, Alexandre Tannous.

What are some of the events you do? 
I do new moon and full moon rituals both online, and recently again in person. I also created a shakti ritual last year with Mariana Margules that we host seasonally. 

Why do you work with the moon? 
Every new moon and full moon we have the capacity to enter a new vortex no matter what sign you are.  So how do you sync into that energy so you are in tune with the astral world? During the new moon to waxing moon, you plant seeds of things you want to grow and evolve. And then with the full moon, you work on releasing and letting go of things. 

What is a Shakti ritual? 
Nature changes every session, so we need to change too. Summer is a time to be out and playful, and winter is a time to go deep inside, to be silent and rest.  We create a ritual to connect to the energy of the season and we also connect it to an element. For example, Fall is wind, so what does it look like to work with wind and air? 

What role does personal growth play in the greater world? 
My view is that we are all drops in the water of the ocean. And if each drop heals, then the entire ocean will be healed. And in fact the work that we do to heal ourselves, it shouldn't be for ourselves, we need to do it to help humanity evolve. The more people that live a life of consciousness, the more humanity will go in that direction. Each of us needs to use our gifts and talents to help others awaken whether that is through art, gardening, writing - whatever it is we feel inspired by. 

How do you make your work accessible? 
Part of my life has been to serve. My online moon rituals are always by donation to a cause that is connected to that particular moon. If the moon is about playfulness, then I’ll choose an organization that supports giving gifts to children in need. One of the highest ways to create balance in the world is by donating without knowing who it is going to. Releasing and trusting that the universe will get it to the person that needs it. 

How do you feel about the growth of spiritual businesses? 
I used to struggle with that about 10 years ago, thinking, “oh now suddenly everyone is spiritual.” My ego would totally kick in! But now I see this as amazing. More and more people are using their gifts to bring lightness into this world. The more spiritual businesses we can create the better, the more we will have healthy soil, and treat the earth with respect and dignity. 

What are some of your daily rituals and practices? 
I meditate every day, and I chant every morning. When I train teachers in Naam, they have to develop a daily practice. It’s non negotiable. It’s part of my life, my hygiene. I can’t imagine not doing it. 

What do you keep on your bedside table?
My altar, and I always have a book, incense or sage.

What words of wisdom do you always find yourself sharing? 
We need to be true to ourselves so we can be true to the world. We need to find that place of our authentic self so we can let our gifts flourish for the greatest good of all. 


What three books do you recommend? 

Be Here Now by Ram Dass 

Lifting the Veil by Malcom Guite

Lighter by yung pueblo

Photos by Katherine Alpin