Akashic Records

Orama Seifert


May 21, 2023

"When we grow up we forget about ourselves - we don’t see the fairies. So it is good to have people who remind you. When we remember ourselves and our mission in this incarnation, we find sense, meaning and beauty in being here."

How would you describe the work that you do? 
It is energy work and clairvoyant work, but it’s always very practical, down to earth and close to everyday life – information needed for success, health and foremost inner fulfillment. I develop and see and share individual non-conformist strategies for people, to tap into their flow of life. It's always about authenticity, expansion, love and how to implement it.

How does this connect to the Akashic records? 
Some things are too big to explain, but I will try to describe them. The Akashic Records are the place where our soul resides, it is the soul plan of our world, of every individual, and even the destiny for this earth plane. I read the incarnation path, and look at the main branches of the tree. From there I can tune in to things that are very destined to happen as they belong to our main learning experience. 

How do you read the Akashic records? 
This might sound funky, but you detach from the body and you go into an alpha state, where you energetically travel into a different frequency. I lay on my Akashic reading couch, and it feels very normal. When you are in touch with this knowledge it is like reading from a book, and it doesn’t seem that astonishing in the moment until you look at it later, and you see that the things you get access to could never come from your mind. 

Any advice for a reading? 
When I read for you, I dive into your light and incarnation but I am still looking from my perspective. So the only final take is your own take. It is good to remember that when working with healing in that field that other people can know things, but in the end you have to feel it. 

What led you to this work? 
I realized looking back that as a child I was already reading the Akashic records, I would just tune in before I even knew how it worked. At a certain point it stopped, which is often what happens for people with high perception, unless someone recognizes you and guides you. So I kept quiet, until the beginning of my 30s and then without planning or searching, I met my teacher. Then really fast, the memory of my childhood, of who I was before I tried to fit in came back to me, and I felt like myself again. 

Why is this work is so important?
When we grow up we forget about ourselves - we don’t see the fairies. So it is good to have people who remind you. When we remember ourselves and our mission in this incarnation, we find sense, meaning and beauty in being here.

What does healing mean to you?
Remembering who we are, and what is our original idea about what we want. Healing is not a goal that is measured in terms of success, it is unconditional. It is important to stay grounded in everyday life because I think this is where healing happens. 

What does individual change have to do with collective change?
The only way to change this world is for many people to take back responsibility for their own lives and not make systems responsible. They can choose how to school their children, and take care of their health. I am not saying it’s easy but it is possible to live that way. 

How do you make your work accessible? 
I have a wide range of services that I offer for free. For example initiation into meditation, reading of the spiritual name, and Seva – where people can come stay with me and be in service at my house in exchange for spiritual teachings. 

Who are your teachers? 
Naming teachers in the spiritual field is such a big thing because there is such an emphasis about lineage and people wanting to look things up! My lineage is the lineage of the Avatar teachers, the tradition of the fire. The teachings are centered around the heart chakra, of knowing that humans are of divine origin, and that love is the way to remember who you are and what specifically you came here to do, share and experience in this lifetime. 

What are some of your daily practices? 
Meditation, singing, opening an altar as a source of connection and expression of gratefulness. Clearing my chakras and staying aware of what is happening on these levels for me at all times. Being good to myself and trying to act in unity with myself whatever I do. 

What do you keep next to your bed?
A salt crystal lamp because of the minerals and they make beautiful light. I believe everything we have around us is connected to us. I love to have sea shells, and I put them everywhere. To be surrounded by nature in your home is good but whatever makes you feel good. Books also have a really good frequency. 

What is the best advice you've ever gotten?
Accept the lesson, reduce the pain. We feel like things are out of control, but the only way to empower ourselves is to understand how we choose. Certain things come together and we choose certain experiences even if we would have loved another experience. 

What words of wisdom do you always find yourself sharing? 
Depends who is sitting in front of me, but definitely that hearing your own inner guidance and understanding your own needs and where they originate from is the beginning of being on your path.

3 Books you recommend
Jesus The Book by Agni Eickermann/ Durga Holzhauser
Harmonic Healing by Linda Lancaster
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananada

Photos by Sofia Gomez-Fonzo