Energetic Mastery

Kristen Grove


June 18, 2023

"At a certain point if we don't expatriate things from our energy field, and then from the tissues, organs and body, it will just be looping and looping in the mind"

What is the work you are offering right now?
I work in energetic mastery and mechanics. I help people master their energy fields and aura. It’s a lot about learning how your nervous system works, and how to feel safe in your body to somatically process the emotions that come up. The fil rouge of my work is managing and guiding others in their process of creation and the evolution of their consciousness.

What are you looking for under the hood?
I usually begin with an audit of your nervous system and energy field. Through this we will uncover and remove outdated methods and programs that no longer serve your highest purposes. Imagine we find in your field that there is a deep need to be understood. So we remove that program, which then frees up a myriad of things, now you feel that you can do what you want whether somebody gets it or not, which is really exciting. What is so interesting is once we remove it from your field, you literally forget that you used to care if you were understood. When you move energy, it's so definitive and that's what's really cool.

How do you move energy?
It's always a process because every human being is such an individual, but I can give you an overarching modality. I open a container for us that has a neutral, safe and continuous coherent frequency and then you get the keys to that coherency and your body will start entraining to a more calm and fluid energy. From that space of safety we can begin to do energy practices to clear and purify the field, call back authentic energies and begin to feel the difference between running everyone else's energy and running your own. You begin to really feel what it feels like to be you- free of influence and outside projection.

How did you find this work?
Ever since I was a child, I was always feeling everybody else's energy, seeing everybody else's energy. Then when I was working for MTV hosting live radio and TV across the world, I was so sick and tired and I didn’t know why. I was crumbling at the end of the day, because I was just so overwhelmed. I tried so many healing modalities to feel better - but the real change came when I became aware of how cluttered my field was. I was lucky to find some amazing teachers that helped me learn how to manage my own field. What I came to understand is that at a certain point if we don't expatriate things from our energy field and and then from the tissues, organs and body, it will just be looping and looping in the mind. When I started working with energetic healing modalities and getting to know my own energy field, and my nervous system and the type of heartbeat I was bringing into a room, I was able to finally clear my field of everybody else's stuff and then just work on what belongs to me. 

How do you know what belongs to you?
A great question to ask yourself whenever you're having a strong feeling is “how much of this feeling is mine?” If you’re feeling anger, most likely, half of it doesn't even belong to you. The idea is to become aware of the difference and choose tools that will bring you back to center and focus on clearing what belongs only to you.  

What has been your training?
My practice and my trainer is always life. Life is consistently going to present us with our biggest trials and tribulations which can become our greatest opportunities for clearing and healing. 

Who are some of your teachers?
I've had some great energetic teachers. Pilar Lesko, she teaches a lot of energetic mechanics and really opened up so much for me. I have been studying feminine embodiment and erotic divinity for the last three years primarily with Lisa Page. I also work with the Kundalini dance teacher Leyolah Antara.

How can our vibration affect others?
You could go into a room where everybody's unconscious and nobody's concerned about becoming conscious. And if your field is strong enough and you hold the leading heartbeat long enough, those people will naturally begin to attune to the strongest vibration in the room. As each one of us expands consciousness, we begin to recognize the importance of interdependence and we can begin to become curious about what holds us back rather than being victimized by it. The more conscious I am, the more consciousness I'm going to bring (as an offering) to every room I go into, the more presence I will bring to each encounter I have, the more coherency and calm I will bring. 

How can people work with you?
I live in collaboration and relationship with my business, and together we decide what sort of program would most serve the collective at any given moment during the year. I always offer private guidance in three month containers. I generally don’t do one off consultations because moving energy is a very real thing and I like to be available to my clients as their energy moves and changes. I also do group classes when I am called to make an offering and have 3 evergreen programs that I offer online, the Foundations of Energetic Mastery, Radiance and Rejuvenation. Right now I’m also putting together a brand new program that helps business professionals and business owners that’s called The 22-Day “Strongest Energy In The Room” Challenge.

What might a session look like?
We'll start working with what is presenting as most active in your life and discover what needs to be cleared, purified and updated. I read what is in your field and reflect it back to you so we can remove what is not in alignment and become conscious of where you feel you would like to ‘go’. In session we will uncover what programs or habits are holding you back from achieving a certain thing. My job is just to be there with you and guide you through the transition to whatever offer, opening or upgrade is available to you as your next version. 

What does healing look like to you?
Words like healing can become scapegoats for not really showing up to life and its initiations. If you live from a state of fixing brokenness the focus ends up being on the broken and not on the wholeness and the real power that lives in each one of us.  I like to ask, “what if we don't have any healing or fixing to do?” What if we just have to take layers off that are in the way of our wholeness?

What are some of your daily rituals?
My human design is a Projector, so I try as much as I can to live according to my strategy. I do a lot of Kundalini yoga and I make a point of being in nature, even though I live in a city. I'm very aware of where my nervous system is so I do a lot of on the spot clearings. I'm constantly pulling up grounding cords, clearing my field, running my solar at neutral, connecting my heart with a certain frequency, and owning my crown. My guideline is trying to stay as coherent as possible. 

How do you stay coherent?
By staying full and only giving from overflow. I really work on my own cup to be completely honest. I'll notice when I'm getting depleted, I'll go to bed, take a nap, eat something, or say no to something. Get your cup full before you move forward! 

What is next to your bed?
I have a dragon that represents the initiating and transformative wisdom of the primordial womb. I have a shaman's rattle for clearing dross and blocked energy from rooms and physical spaces. I have the masculine element and the feminine element because I aim to create a healthy balance of energies in myself and my life. I have a vase on my altar that represents the King and then I have another vase that's a body of a woman - that is the Queen. I try to keep fresh flowers in both of them. I have the three candles that represent the triple goddess and a picture of my ancestors and of my Mom who passed away along with a gnostic prayer for devotion.

Words of wisdom that you like sharing?
I don’t know if I am wise, but what I always say to people is  “The first stop is YOU.” It’s really about making sure you are clear, centered and full before you approach anything in life. How you do that is by being with yourself moment to moment. 

What are some of your favorite books?

Magdalene Mysteries by Seren Bertrand and Azra Bertrand
Body of Wisdom by Hilary Hart
The Process of Realization by Ivan Antic 
Erotic Tarot by Sofie Birkin

Photos from Kristen Grove