Womb Steaming

Jaguar Womban


April 9, 2023

"A joyful woman with her heart open, connected to her third eye is birthing realities of pleasures that are touching everyone around her and the circumference of her life is growing. It's how we can heal the whole story line."

How do you describe yourself?
I don't want to be a slave to the language, but we are using language to communicate with each other, so the language I resonate with is medicine. I am carrying medicine and practice. I do something that has to do with a specific part of the body, a womb. A valid part that some bodies have and others don't. I am here for those humans in a specific way, putting out this prayer and holding space. 

Did you always know you carried this medicine? 
I can scan and see why this is the medicine I was gifted to carry, why everything in the story line comes together. I don’t have the option to put it aside. It is energy that is coming out of me, it's my assignment. The only way to give a healing gift is to come with it from that energy. 

What led you to Jaguar Womban? 
About 10 years ago, I had a NDE (near death experience). When I woke up from a coma, my first memory was seeing this body from above. There was a being in white and they were saying “you are going to go back into this body to complete the work.” When I came back I knew that I was not my mind or my body, so remembering how to be a person in this world has been a 10 year journey. I was told I would never walk unassisted, and I would always be on meds, but I don’t have any other meds besides cannabis and magic mushrooms in my life.

Do you have a lineage?
I like to avoid any energy of being a guru or having been initiated in some specific lineage. But I believe there is a reason why a specific human is chosen to share a specific frequency of knowledge. My father comes from Amazonian heritage, my mom is Caribbean from Aruba, I have midwives in both of my lines. And then I am incarnated as a black woman with African Caribbean lineage, with a father who speaks 13 languages, a mom who speaks 5 and am raised in a very international way. On top of that I have a head injury, where I leave my body, start shape shifting, and on the path to my own sanity, I start doing the steam practice I learned at my first period. 

So why the womb steam? 
Going straight to the vagina is the most accurate way to access the whole field. We need to go into the mother and from the mother womb we can address the mother wound and then we can address everything.

What is a Jaguar Womban steam like? 
I bring a vibe where it is a bunch of women naked and self pleasuring and we are doing tea, and womb steams, and body brushing, and rubbing oils from head to foot. All we are trying to do is express our perfection. You’re cool how you are, but do you also want to have a pleasurable experience and then orgasm under a tree sipping rose petals and oils? This is what I would like to contribute to the field and if you choose to be healed from that then so be it!

How did WombNation come into being? 
The basis of WombNation is in the Native American energy I studied deeply when living with the Lakota in Oregon. We together, who have this portal in our body, have the power to rewrite and change the storyline that can affect the whole quantum. This is really foundational in my work. 

But what if you don’t have a womb?
As a black woman, I believe that there has been too much focus in healing work around noticing what is different. What we are ascending to now is an understanding of our unification which is the next level past our differences. And what is unarguable is that we all came through the door of the womb. People want to argue about what we look like and who has a vagina. But If you’re here arguing, this is the only door into this realm. This is a fact in a time when facts are so slippery. This is not fake news, you came here through the pum pum of your mama, this is the doorway. So we go straight to the unifying fact frequency. 

So what is a womb steam? 
So you take a bowl, you put your herbs in the bowl and add salt, which opens up plants, and then some boiling water. You arrange your body over the bowl, so that the steam rises up and enters your body through the most absorbent tissues. The essential oil of the plants are released up into the steam and enter your body through the vaginal floor. 

What are the benefits of womb steaming?
The most absorbent tissues are in the uterine floor, so it makes sense to rhythmically reboot that space, and that doing that will give you some sort of clarity, lightness of being, feeling of creative expression and capacity for pleasure. Part of what’s happening when you steam is that you are learning the way the vagina feels. In this period of time a conversation is activated between your brain and your vagina. And in the sustained rhythm of this moment, you make a new neural pathway in your mind so that new information and ideas and inspiration can travel into your reality. 

Why is it important to communicate with your vagina? 
We are moving through life disconnected from the source of our pleasure, and we are wondering why we are miserable and not artistically inspired. So when you open up a line of direct communication between your brain and the part of your body that holds the doorway to pleasure, then you have opened up a portal for pleasure to come into your life. A joyful woman with her heart open, connected to her third eye is birthing realities of pleasures that are touching everyone around her and the circumference of her light is growing. It's how we can heal the whole story line. 

What are the logistics of WombNation? 
It is a membership program, where we gather once a month on the new moon and steam together. I record the call and the transmission so that if you miss the steam you can receive it later. I work with Oshala farms in Oregon, and they grow, and send out herbs to every member for them to steam with. It is a very authentic gathering with a lot of women who have been steaming with me for a long time. 

How can someone work with you? 
They can join WombNation where we steam once a month to sync to the new moon. I also offer consultations, because I believe strongly in the uniqueness of the womb steamer. In that session I do an energy scan, and your personal recipe will get really loud, based also on the purpose of the steam. Then the recipe is blended by Oshala Farms and is sent to you afterwards. The Divine Mother WombSteam ritual kit that I have created is a beautiful blend to begin your WombSteam journey with. The kit contains a WombSteam blend and WombOil made with herbs grown and sourced from Oshala Farms. 

What does it mean to be a healer right now?
I don’t know because I have retired as a healer! I don’t think the world needs another healer. But the auric field that I have crafted has created a visceral healing presence, and what I am exchanging now is the frequency of that presence. And I have worked really hard to get to this place. 

What does healing look like to you? 
We need more womb carriers and women who are living with authenticity and then expressing that in a way that is unique and not comparative. I think that is the true healing that people are seeking. Social media puts us in a comparative state, and If we create vision boards and affirmations from that place, then it isn't riding the energy of what creates our reality.

What are some of your daily rituals? 
I am super rhythmic. I find daily ways to maintain magic and invite others into that energy. I like simple things like swimming, taking a bath, drinking tea - anything with water and herbs. I smoke a lot of blends. As often as possible I try to drink super high frequency water. I love tapping if I feel a panic attack coming on. 

What magical tools are part of your practice? 
I love Golda soaps and powders, they are magical. I also use Osea oil, and make my own oils. My favorite oils are from the medicine women in the markets of Oaxaca that come from the mountains outside of the city. 

What is the best advice you've ever gotten?
I don't know what I don’t know 

What words of wisdom do you always find yourself sharing? 
I believe in miracles because I am a miracle

Photos by Sonia Cardinal