Tarot Readings

Elaine Collins


February 19, 2023

"That magical reality is constantly there and I allow people to feel it. However long they make that last is up to them, but if I can make them feel that sense of magic for just a moment, then they know it's real and can lock into that."

How would you describe your work? 
I work intuitively with the TAROT as a tool for personal transformation. Life’s rich tapestry is contained within the TAROT, the book of wisdom or as Carl Jung referred to it, God's picture book. The symbology on the card ignites an inquiry and gives a response, it is like an onion, we peel back different layers with each card. I am also a HeartMath Coach and Facilitator for The Transformation Game. 

What is HeartMath? 
HeartMath techniques help bring your physical, mental and emotional systems into coherent alignment, and increasing this coherence can help bring optimal functioning within your body. 

And what is the Transformation Game? 
It is actually a game! It was created at Findhorn in Scotland, devised to help you become more aware of your personal strengths, and transform the way you play your life. 

What is your process for working with Tarot?
I work with, what I call, my team unseen, energy beings, that one can describe as guides, angels, ascended masters, cosmic messengers and ancestors. When I am in a session these beings are in contact with your 'team unseen', then it is relayed back to me simultaneously what a client needs to know in this present moment. We all have our own soul journey but we are all connected. When people come to see me in person, you become part of the process. Your energy knows what it wants and whatever I share is something you need to know in some way.  

What led you to this work?
I've always been curious, and an avid reader, I would find books in my early teens on esoteric and metaphysical subjects. My mother bought me my first TAROT deck when I was 15 and I started doing readings for my friends at school… and the rest as they say is history! 

Why do you think this work is so important?
For some, it might be their first venture into the world of the spiritual, so it is important that we act responsibly as practitioners  and healers to guide others to a better understanding of themselves, and invite them into further exploration  To me the TAROT is not about fortune-telling, I see it as a doorway into the superconscious

Who is this work for?
For the curious and those that not only wish to explore their external world, but also their inner more immense world. 

Who are your teachers?
My first great wisdom teacher in this life was the Bulgarian Mystic, Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. After that many people have been my teachers, but he above all others has been a great influence on my early thinking and consequent spiritual journey. 

What are some of your daily rituals and practices?
1. First thing I do in the morning is connect into my heartspace with some heart focused breathing and remind myself, I AM LOVE.

2. I go into my garden and greet the Sun with my prayer to the Sun.

3. Count my blessings and say my gratitudes. 

I like to sage and use palo santo with my cards, as a way of breaking energy. I always put them back in their suits so that when you start you are introducing a new energy. 

How do you stay grounded?
Nature is a huge part of my practice. I love trees. They have a grounding energy, they root and they stand strong, but they know how to bend. I also have a wonderful pile of ancient stones nearby and I'll often go and have a chat with the stone people, they are the record keepers of the planet. 

What do you keep on your bedside table?
A lamp, water and a portrait of my personal soul journey by spiritual artist Frances Whitman.

What words of wisdom do you always find yourself sharing?

What are 3 things that bring you joy 
1. My life and home in Ibiza, 
2. My work with the lovely people I get to connect with. 
3. The love I feel with my family, friends and of course Princesa, my medicine cat.

What are 3 books you recommend
The Game of Life and How to Play it by Florence Scovel Shinn 
The Yugas by Joseph Selbie, David Stienmetz and Swami Kriyananda
The Mystery of Light: The Life and Teaching of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov by Georg Feuerstein

Photos by Sofia Gomez Fonzo