Buddhist Meditation

David Nichtern

New York

“I am here to help students work toward cultivating the different aspects of their lives and clarify and manifest their vision for leading an integrated and meaningful life.”

What is your current offering?
Helping people solve their life puzzle through the lens of creative expression, spiritual (meditation) practice, and livelihood/career development. Through our www.dharmamoon.com platform we offer an expansive cycle of mindfulness meditation teacher training programs, yearlong Buddhist studies courses, and programs based on the premises in my book “Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck.” I am here to help students work toward cultivating the different aspects of their lives and clarify and manifest their vision for leading an integrated and meaningful life. 

What led you to this work? 
My own life has been based on integrating these 3 elements. I have studied and taught meditation (based primarily on the Tibetan Buddhist tradition) since 1970 and had a full and vital career as a composer, producer and guitarist in the entertainment business. 

What kinds of people do you work with?
Creatives, entrepreneurs and those interested in the path of meditation, particularly via Buddhist practice. Anyone interested in the secular application of mindfulness practices to everyday living in the modern world. Anyone who shows up and is curious about life. 

What is your specific lineage? 
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche was one of my main teachers. Kagyu & Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, and the Dragon Gate Taoist school with Master Sat Hon. 

What are the different ways people can work with you? 
I offer classes, workshops, teacher trainings, 1-1 mentoring sessions. All of my offerings can be seen online at  www.dharmamoon.com

What do you think personal growth has to do with collective change?
Distinct but interdependent. I believe we have to start with ourselves as the ground - and then build out a second tier of our practice with the compassionate aspiration to positively impact all other sentient beings - including those we love, those we are indifferent to, and even those who are currently annoying us. 

What are some of your daily practices? 
Sitting meditation and Taiji/qigong practice. Guitar practice. Dedicating the merit to all sentient beings. Staying awake and open to all life’s messages and situations. Listening to the melody of circumstances. Maintaining a sense of sacredness in the ordinary unfolding of daily life. 

What items support your wellbeing?
Meditation cushions. Taiji sword. Peloton bike. Rollers for knees and hips. Matcha tea. Taiji slippers. 

What is the best advice you've ever gotten?
Don’t panic when things are challenging and don’t relax too much when things appear to be going smoothly. And, of course, from my teacher about not just meditation but also life - not too tight and not too loose.

What are three books you recommend?

Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck by me
Shambhala - The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
The Wisdom of No Escape by Pema Chodron