Inner Wellspring

  • Date: September 8 - 15, 2024

In this course we will delve into the guiding principles of craniosacral biodynamics. With presence and wholeness as primary orientations, we will explore inner practices such as embodied felt-sense, tonal match, full body breathing, resting in invisible midline, and residing in neutral. Following the insights of Dr. Sutherland and his successors, we will learn how to listen to primary respiration and the Breath of Life, sensing tides, fulcrums, stillpoints, subtle rhythms, states of consciousness, and more. This course will invite you to develop and refine your essential skills for grounding and centering in yourself, creating and maintaining safety and trust with your partner, increasing potency in your touch and sensitivity in your awareness. With dynamic stillness as the guide, we cultivate our capacity to support the body’s innate wisdom of healing – in ourselves, in each other, and in the world. Lightly guided somatic movement sessions will grace our mornings, connecting us deeper into the embodiment of our biosphere.